Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I fell in love with this fabric at first sight. On a recent trip to Idaho, my sister-in-law Lorna and I were sharing our new-found love of quilting, and when I showed her this fabric, she too fell in love with it. Upon my return home, I purchased some and sent it to her.

We both share a love of Oriental fabric themes, and this one was no exception. The cascading flowers around the illuminated pagoda evoke the peacefulness of a quiet moonlit night.

Another of my prized quilts that I entitled "Serenity."

Paradise Quilt

Each of my quilts reflect a part of my heart and bears a title symbolizing something meaningful to me, and I think this one is my most prized quilt.

This fabric really caught my eye. I love deep contrasting colors, and the deep green felt almost velvety to me. Then I saw the fabric with these beautiful flowers, and I knew the flowers belonged with deep green fabric. The blossoms reminded me of the gardenia plant that we had in our back yard in Santa Barbara. We also had a hedge of jasmine around the back yard and enjoyed relaxing in the back yard during summer evenings with all the wonderful fragrances. Thus the name of this quilt, “Paradise.”

Blogspot is one of my many new ventures this year, and I'm having fun learning how to set this up, make it fun, and also to document my projects.

It's been a busy year, and I am currently unemployed. As I job search, I am also doing quite a bit of sewing and have now completed my current quilt projects, have made several aprons (for some reason, I seem to be stuck in the 1950's mentality, and some of the aprons reflect that style), even made a couple pairs of lined kitchen curtains (out of the red bistro style fabric shown above), have a blouse almost finished, oh yes, made a skirt without a pattern, made several sets of reversible placemats, stitched tablecloths and have drawn up the plans for a queen sized bedspread for us.

In March, I was in a car crash (which I have to qualify was not my fault), and my neck, upper and lower back injuries have curtailed a lot of my projects. I can sew for a short span of time and then walk around to work out the kinks, have done physical therapy and am doing massage as well. Feels so good when I feel good! :-)

Bought myself a new sewing machine - a Janome DC2010 and can give you a glowing recommendation if anyone is considering a new machine. This is a dream, and it really is user-friendly, quiet, easy, and just generally a joy to use and own!!

Here's wishing you all a very creative day and many creative days ahead. And may all those creative days be filled with God's richest blessings!